H.E. Dr. Husein Kavazović, the Grand Mufti of BiH, received H.E. Sultan bin Ali Al-Khater, Ambassador of the State of Qatar to BiH, on the occasion of the conclusion of his diplomatic mission as the ambassador of the State of Qatar to BiH, and they also discussed bilateral relations and ways of developing them.
Nj.E. dr. Husein Kavazović, reisu-l-ulema Islamske zajednice u BiH, primio je Nj.E. Sultana bin Ali Al-Khatera, ambasadora Države Katar u BiH, povodom završetka njegove diplomatske misije kao ambasadora Države Katar u Bosni i Hercegovini. Razgovarali su o bilateralnim odnosima i načinima njihovog razvoja.