H.E. Elmedin Konaković, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, received H.E. Meshaal bin Ali Al-Attiyah, Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the meeting, they discussed bilateral relations and ways of developing them. H.E. Konaković handed over a certificate of appreciation to H.E. Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar, for his great contribution in the evacuation of BiH citizens from the Gaza Strip.
Nj.E. Elmedin Konaković, ministar vanjskih poslova BiH, sastao se sa Nj.E. Meshaalom bin Ali Al-Attiyahom, ambasadorom Države Katar u BiH. Tokom sastanka razgovarali su o bilateralnim odnosima i načinima njihovog razvoja. Nj.E. Konaković je uručio zahvalnicu Nj.E. šeiku Mohammedu bin Abdulrahman Al-Thaniju, premijeru i ministru vanjskih poslova Države Katar, za njegov veliki doprinos u evakuaciji državljana BiH iz Pojasa Gaze.