
Working time during the month of Ramadan Al-Mubarak

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On the occasion of forthcoming month of Ramadan Al-Mubarak, the Embassy would like to convey its most sincere congratulations, and inform that the working time during this month will be from 10:00h to 15:00h from Monday to Friday. Ramadan Mubarak! Povodom nastupajućeg mjeseca Ramazana, Ambasada Države Katar u BiH upućuje najiskrenije čestitke svim vjernicima islamske vjeroispovijesti, i obavještava da će radno vrijeme tokom ovog mjeseca biti od 10:00 do 15:00 od ponedjeljka do petka. Ramazan Šerif Mubarek Olsun!


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The Embassy of the State of Qatar to Bosnia and Herzegovina hereby informs that on the occasion of the Independence Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Embassy will be closed on Wednesday, March 1 2023. The Embassy will resume its work on Thursday, 2 2023. In case of emergency, please contact the following number: 00387 60 31 11 111

Hayya Card

- Success

Anyone visiting the State of Qatar between 1 November 2022 and 23 December 2022 must have an approved Hayya Card prior to entry. Visitors can apply for their Hayya Card through the Hayya portal or Hayya to Qatar 2022 app. Click to learn more.

Working time during Ramadan Al-Mubarak

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On the occasion of forthcoming month of Ramadan Al-Mubarak, the Embassy would like to convey its most sincere congratulations, and inform that the working time during this month will be from (10:00h to 15:00h) from Monday to Friday Ramadan Mubarak! Povodom nastupajućeg mjeseca Ramazana, Ambasada Države Katar u BiH upućuje najiskrenije čestitke svim vjernicima islamske vjeroispovijesti, i obavještava da če radno vrijeme tokom ovog mjeseca, biti od 10:00 do 15:00 od ponedjeljka do petka. Ramazan Šerif Mubarek Olsun!


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The Embassy of the State of Qatar to BiH hereby informs that on the occasion of the New Year holiday it will be closed from January 1st, 2022. to January 3th, 2022. The Embassy will resume its work on Tuesday, January 4th, 2022. In case of emergency, please contact the following number: 00387603111111 Happy New Year. . Ambasada Države Katar u BiH obaviještava Vas da povodom novogodišnjeg praznika neće raditi od 01 januara 2022 do 03 januara 2022. godine Ambasada će nastaviti s radom u utorak, 4 januara 2020. godine. za hitne slučajeve kontaktirajte sljedeći broj: 00387603111111. Sretna Nova godina.


- Warning

Because of the continuous rapid spread of the Coronavirus (Covid19) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in accordance with the precautionary measures taken by the Sarajevo Canton Government, the Embassy will extend the remote work until April 19, 2021. The Embassy announces it will receive calls on (+387 33 565 810), and on the emergency numbers (+387 61 303 055) and (+387 61 867 957).   The Embassy would like to draw the attention of Qatari citizens to the importance of implementing of the precautionary measures imposed, especially the following: - Proper wearing of a Face Mask. - Avoid gathering of more than 20 people in closed and open Locations. - Curfew from 21:00 until 05:00   The Embassy calls Qatari citizens to adhere to precautionary measures to avoid being exposed to the penalties.


- Warning

نظرا لتدهور الوضع الصحي بسبب الانتشار السريع لفيروس كورونا كوفيد 19، تحيط سفارة دولة قطر لدى البوسنة والهرسك جميع الاخوة القطريين علما، بأن لجنة الازمات الصحية في كيان فيدرالية البوسنة والهرسك قد اعتمد قرار فرض حظر تجول في جميع أنحاء الكيان، وذلك من الساعة 21:00 مساءا وحتى الساعة 05:00 فجرا، اعتبارا من يوم 24 مارس 2021م. كما اعتمدت حكومة كانتون سراييفو اجراءات احترازية جديدة تفرض اغلاق الصالات والنوادي الرياضية، والمسابح بالاضافة الى الغاء المباريات الرياضية. وتلفت السفارة انتباه السادة المواطنين لتوخي الحذر وضرورة تنفيذ الاجراءات الاحترازية المفروضة، واهمها: وضع الكمامات بالطريقة الصحيحة، منع التجمع لاكثر من 20 شخص في الاماكن المغلقة والمفتوحة، منع التجول من الساعة 21:00 وحتى الساعة 05:00. على جميع الاخوة المواطنين القطريين المتواجدين في فيدرالية البوسنة والهرسك التقيد والالتزام بتلك الاجراءات تفاديا للتعرض للعقوبات المفروضة. نسعد دائما بخدمتكم

Statehood Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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We hereby inform that on Wednesday, November 25th 2020 the Embassy of the State of Qatar in Sarajevo will be closed on the occasion of holiday - Statehood Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Obavještavamo da će u srijedu 25. novembra 2020.godine Ambasade Države Katar u Sarajevu biti zatvorena povodom praznika - Dana državnosti Bosne i Hercegovine.

تنبيه للأخوة القطريين

- Warning

تود السفارة لفت انتباه السادة المواطنين القطريين لعدم الانسياق وراء المعلومات المغلوطة التي يروج لها بعض الخليجيين أو العرب من مشاهير وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، المقيمين في البوسنة والهرسك، بغرض التنفع أو التربح. كما تود السفارة أيضاً من السادة المواطنين استسقاء المعلومات من مصادرها الرسمية بالعودة إلى السفارة أو الجهات الحكومية المختصة في البوسنة والهرسك. أرقام الطوارئ: +387 33 565 814